Jan 10, 2020
In this episode of Life Matters, Commissioner Johnston interviews Sheila Green, Esq., Central Vice President of the California ProLife Council, and Bob Cièlnicky, a long time life activist and volunteer and formerly Southern Vice President for the California ProLife Council.
Relatively few pro-life individuals understand the deep significance of local elections. Yet, many abortion businesses receive direct authority and government funds from not only the federal and state governments, but counties and cities. Often, permission to operate within school districts is decided directly by the local districts themselves.
In December 2019, the Los Angeles County Board of Education announced it was allowing Planned Parenthood to directly insert 50 school-based clinics into Los Angeles county high schools. The permission and funding for this third-party access to California school children was determined solely by the vote and authority of the local school board.
If Pro-life individuals have understood the importance of local elections and local civics they are in a position to stop this incredible intrusion and access to children in school. Failure to understand or act on these opportunities is failure to protect your own community.
Sheila, Bob and Brian explain the methods employed to assess the stances of candidates on the local level, how to further educate those who don’t understand the local issues, and how to publish a pro-life Voter Guide to be used in those election cycles that elect local candidates.
In election year 2020, county school boards and county supervisors, as well as several other lower-level offices are elected. The opportunity to change them won’t come for another four years. If pro-lifers are awakened and take action for this early primary (votes to be tallied March 3), there is a good chance at preventing further expansion of the abortion industry into the schools and throughout the state through local funding and support by abortion supporting candidates.
The tools to accomplish this are offered by the California Prolife Council and are available at www.californiaproife.org\2020-questionnaires.
This podcast program is a step-by-step guide for how local pro-life individuals can help protect their community. Further guidance can be found by calling 800-924-2490.